Sunday, June 17, 2012

FHA Mortgage

CLICK HERE to watch video on applying for FHA Mortgage

About the FHA Mortgage. The Federal Housing Administration (FHA), an agency of the federal government, insures private loans that are issued for new and existing housing, and loans that are approved for home repairs. Created by congress in 1934, the FHA became part of the Department of Housing and Urban Development's Office of Housing (HUD) in 1965. Today the mission of the FHA includes helping borrowers get amounts they qualify for, and assisting lenders by reducing their risk in issuing loans.

Credit Problems and a HUD Housing Loan
It is advisable to approach any FHA loan with your best possible credit rating. If you have had credit problems in the past, the FHA recommends a Consumer Credit Counseling program to avoid being denied an FHA loan. A good credit counselor can talk to you about income-to-debt ratio, maintaining satisfactory payments and challenging errors on your credit report. The FHA recommends creating a satisfactory payment history for at least one year before applying for any FHA loan program.

The FHA TOTAL Scorecard
If you submit FHA paperwork electronically, the FHA TOTAL Scorecard is used to measure the credit risk of all FHA loans submitted through the automatic underwriting system. Your FHA loan is processed through a qualified and approved FHA lender. Applications submitted through FHA TOTAL are evaluated by a standardized scoring procedure creating a quick, fair and seamless evaluation. The FHA's TOTAL system is internet based and works in real time.

FHA Loan Requirements
The FHA asks for a lot of information on your FHA loan application. You will need to provide the FHA with a wide range of details including:

All addresses where you have lived in the previous two years.
Your employer's name and addresses for the last two years, plus the amount of your Gross Monthly Salary.
W2s for the past two years.
Income tax forms submitted for the last two years.
Gather all of this before you begin your FHA application so you will have everything handy to complete your FHA loan forms at one time.

Additional Paperwork for Veterans

The FHA asks that veterans submit the DD Form 214 along with their FHA loan application paperwork. The DD Form 214 is the official record of discharge from the Armed Forces. If you have recently separated, retired or otherwise left active duty and don't have your DD Form 214, request a copy from either your final outprocessing base (call the orderly room, records office or outbound assignments/outprocessing office), or request the form electronically from the Department of Defense.

FHA/HUD Insured Mortgages and Refunds

If you have an FHA loan or HUD insured mortgage, you may have paid an "up-front" mortgage insurance premium at the closing of your house. Assuming you did not default on your mortgage payments, you may be eligible for a refund on part of your insurance premium. Loans granted after September 1, 1983 may be entitled to this refund. Check your FHA loan settlement paperwork or phone your lender to learn more.

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